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Why Moonshot?

Featuring moonlight philanthropists and examples from Canada and around the world, and informed by groundbreaking global research, the 2024 Banff Centre Giving Summit will examine the potential for moonshot giving to solve some of Canada’s most pressing issues and implications for Canadian philanthropists.

Are Canadians too modest to aim for the moon? The moonshot approach to giving privatizes risk and socializes public benefit. Can it drive greater philanthropy impact? Does it inspire those on the sidelines to mobilize? 

Moonshot building blocks: 

  • Significant funding and risk appetite
  • Developing domain expertise
  • Building respectful collaborations with government partners and non-state actors


Dr. Beth Breeze and moonshot philanthropist James Chen have undertaken an international research study (at the University of Kent) to define and bring clarity to moonshot philanthropy, create a bank of accessible global case studies to illustrate the approach, and, increase recognition of moonshot giving in a way that helps donors better understand how to collaborate with other moonshot philanthropists. With 2030 fast approaching this has the potential to catalyse more philanthropy towards the sustainable development goals. 

In May 2024, Canadians will be among the first in the world to respond to their study findings, and consider the implications and opportunities for their own giving, and for moonshot giving in Canada.

As you prepare to attend the Banff Centre Giving Summit, we offer this brief concept paper from the moonshot philanthropy research team led by Dr. Beth Breeze and James Chen. In it you will read some of the key themes their research has wrestled with, as well as some questions about the moonshot approach to giving we will be inviting delegates to reflect on over the course of the Giving Summit.

Chatham House Rule

The intent for the Banff Centre Giving Summit is to inspire Canadian philanthropy in a global world through dialogue, leadership, and collaboration.  Our goal is to create a forum where meaningful conversation is possible. Please take a moment to read about the Chatham House Rule, which encourages open and inclusive dialogue while safeguarding the identity and affiliation of participants.