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Take Banff Airporter and ROAM during the Festival! 

Roam Public Transit: FREE for Festival ticket-holders Nov 2 and 3!

FREE Roam ridership between Canmore and Banff and Banff and Lake Louise was offered, with proof of purchase of a Festival ticket during the Festival on November 2 and 3.

Public transportation is highly recommended for the good of the environment, for your convenience and to help avoid congestion in Banff and at the Festival. Explore Banff, Canmore and Lake Louise with Roam, which offers the following transit routes year-round: 

  • Banff Local Service
  • Canmore Local Service
  • Banff - Canmore Regional Service 
  • Banff - Lake Louise Express

View All ROAM Schedules

Banff Airporter and Shuttles

Airport Transportation

Festival goers received a 25% discount
On the Banff Airporter's shuttle service between the Calgary Airport and Banff. 
Use discount code: filmfest
Visit Banff Airporter

Once in Banff, guests could take advantage of our FREE shuttle service between Banff hotels and the Festival at Banff Centre.

1.888.449.2901 | 1.403.762.3330

Park Downtown

Free In-Town Shuttles

Once you're in Banff, getting around was easy with Banff Airporter's FREE shuttle service during the Festival.

Banff Airporter: Free Shuttles | Nov 2-3 

Morning Shuttle

Service 7:30am - 2:00pm
Last one departing Jenny Belzberg Theatre at 1:50pm. 
(Depart every hour and half hour. e.g. 7:35am and 8:05am from Ptarmigan Inn.)

  • Depart Fox Hotel & Suites 00/30
  • Depart Banff Ptarmigan Inn 05/35
  • Depart parking lot behind Mt Royal Hotel 10/40
  • Arrive Banff Centre Jenny Belzberg Theatre 15/45
  • Depart Jenny Belzberg Theatre for downtown hotels 20/50
Evening Shuttle

Service 5:00pm-12:30am
Last departure from Jenny Belzberg Theatre is at 12:20am

  • Depart Fox Hotel & Suites 00/30
  • Depart Banff Ptarmigan Inn 05/35
  • Depart parking lot behind Mt Royal Hotel 10/40
  • Arrive Banff Centre Jenny Belzberg Theatre 15/45
  • Depart Jenny Belzberg Theatre for downtown hotels 20/50

Visit Banff Parking to find out about more parking locations in Banff. 

We thank our valued partner Banff Airporter for their support of the Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival.

Logo for Banff Airporter shuttle.