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What are the connections between purposeful travel and Indigenous tourism? What is authentic Indigenous tourism? This session with Tim Patterson, owner & lead guide Zuc’min Guiding, we consider how travel intention, expectations and experience are negotiated in the context of a small Indigenous tour operator in the Canadian Rockies.   

Tim Patterson

Tim Patterson was born Morris Coutlee who is a member of the Lower Nicola Indian Band that belongs to the Scw̓éxmx (“People of the Creeks”) a branch of the Nlaka'pamux (Thompson) Nation of the Interior Salish-speaking peoples of British Columbia Canada. Tim grew up in Revelstoke within the Sn-səlxcin (Sinixt-Lakes) territory and continues to hike and guide around the West Kootenay’s. Tim has been an outdoor professional for over 15 years and has hiked and explored both the western parts of Canada and the United States for over 30 years. Tim is a recognized Indigenous Interpretive Guide and Educator, teaching Indigenous knowledge; culture; and practices. Zuc'min Guiding was developed through the combining of his Academic, Indigenous and guiding backgrounds where he focused on Indigenous Knowledge. Tim's favorite things to do when not in the mountains are listening to jazz, running, reading, and traveling.