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Chris Lorway

Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity is celebrating its 90th anniversary!

Since its inception in 1933 as a summer course for drama, Banff Centre has evolved into a world-leading educational institution for arts and leadership and has had a significant role in developing some of the top creators and administrators on the planet. As the incoming President and CEO, I am thrilled to be joining the team during this milestone and look forward to discovering ways to merge our core programs with the critical issues of our times.  
Throughout my career in Canada and abroad, I have had the honour of meeting many artists who have had life-changing experiences at this special place. Banff Centre has been built upon an extraordinary history of excellence in artistic development, evidenced by the thousands of renowned alumni who were inspired to create and produce their work here. 
While arts education is critical to foster growth and productivity in a sector that enriches our shared human experience, Banff Centre’s unique model also supports furthering community and business prosperity through our convention operations, providing an opportunity for organizations to meet and learn together in this beautiful location in the Rocky Mountains.  
If you are visiting from near or far, we welcome you and wish you the very best in your time here with us on the side of Sacred Guardian Buffalo Mountain. Banff Centre recognizes and honours the history, land, and people of Treaty 7, where we live, work, learn, and play. This cultural awareness is exemplified through 50 years of Indigenous Leadership programs run by our knowledgeable staff, faculty, and first nations partners. These programs align with our commitment to being good joint stewards of these lands. 
Banff Centre is a true beacon for excellence, where theatre, music, literary, film, and visual arts all thrive. Our ability to host events across the diverse realm of the arts engages communities worldwide, and we strive to be accessible to all who make up this social fabric.  
As we celebrate our 90th year, I look forward to leading Banff Centre on the path to our centennial by advancing the strategic priorities of this exceptional institution. With enthusiasm, I extend my warmest greetings to all artists, leaders, creatives, audiences, and guests of Banff Centre. 
Chris Lorway 
President and CEO 
Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity