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Dance and Opera Meet & Greet

By Heloise Veillette Posted on June 25, 2015

Working hard behind the scene is the Theatre Arts production team. Our photographer Rita Taylor grabbed our attention for a moment in the carpentry shop.

The outlook calendar pings. It’s time to meet and greet with Dance and Opera. Finally, nearly everyone is here! Everyone walks to the mothership. Imagine a large dance studio with stage dimensions marked on the floor and people standing all around the edge of the room leaving no gap while dancers are stretching on the floor. That’s how many people got together this morning to meet each other, many for the first time. 

There’s a lot of chatter and joy is palpable in the air! Some of us have just arrived for the summer, some have been here for years. Some are starting their career, some have well over 20 years of experience. Some come from Banff, some from Vulcan, some from abroad. Some work with computers, some with paint, some with sewing machines, some with piano, some with pointe shoes...

At a glance we may not seem like we have much in common. In the background and on stage we’re a big family which works towards a common goal: making live performances for the stage. We all feel grateful for the privilege we have of being here doing what we love in a place that we love. 

When you come see our productions at the Centre, simply flip through your house program and you’ll see by the lists of names that it truly takes a village to make the experience you see on the stage happen. We’re working very hard to get ready for our next Meet & Greet. 

On performance days, everyone will be here at last. Finally, you will be there. We can’t wait to meet you, your family, and your friends in the audience!