Banff Centre shall be a leader in environmental management practices by ensuring all of our programs, activities and operations have a minimal environmental impact and by seeking continuous improvement in our environmental management efforts, all with the goal of reducing the Centre's ecological footprint, emission of greenhouse gases and overall environmental impact.
This policy was approved by The Banff Centre Board of Governors on July 20, 2007.
We value our campus environment and will design our programs, activities and operations in ways that will sustain and improve its special resources, qualities, appearance and character.
We value our Town environment and will participate in and support programs and activities that assist in achieving its objectives of becoming a sustainable National Park community and a role model for communities around the world facing limits to growth and environmental issues on a larger scale.
We value our National Park environment and will design and implement education and awareness programs for staff and visitors that will enhance their appreciation and respect for our natural, cultural and heritage resources.
We understand our impact on the environment beyond the boundaries of the National Park and will design our programs, activities and operations in such a way as to minimize our impact on those environments.
We will:
Under the auspices of the Chief Environmental Officer, Banff Centre maintains a comprehensive Environmental Management System to guide its efforts to adhere to the policy outlined above.