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National Indigenous Peoples Day: Film Screenings featuring Treaty 7 Indigenous Filmmakers & Collectives

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Directed by Daryl Kootenay, Cameron Kootenay in collaboration with the Wapikoni team, documentary, 2017
The hunting lifestyle not only soothes the bellies of community members, it also alleviates the hunters’ spiritual longing for the land. Hunting respectfully is a way to feel this connection.



Regina Brave

Available for one week

In the midst of the pandemic the Regina Public Library reached out across the prairies and connected two groups, the Nakoda AV Club in Mînîthnî and students at Scott Collegiate in Regina. The groups met over three week and shared filmmaking and music practices. The result of the collaboration is this music video. Through the project students sought to draw attention to important concerns in their lives, including mental health, identity, and their passions.


Greetings from Regina (Nakoda AV Club)

Available for one week

Anthropologists working in South America began video postcard projects in which isolated Indigenous nations began to build solidarity and political collaboration around shared interests. After the scientists left, the communities continued to share recordings and messages, and in many cases the films became stories in their own rights. In collaboration with F. W. Johnson Collegiate, the Nakoda AV Club sought to recreate some of this collaborative building across space, in very strange times.  The Regina Public Library helped connect high school students from Regina and Mînîthnî in this video post card project where students pose questions and share their experiences with young artists in the Nakoda AV Club, who respond and share their own wonderings.




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