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National Indigenous Peoples Day: URBAN NDN Film Night

Still from Jessie Short’s Sweet Night (2016), courtesy the artist

Still from Jessie Short’s Sweet Night (2016), courtesy the artist.

Film screening curated by Jade Nasogaluak Carpenter and panel discussion with the filmmakers to follow. Please note that the films are 14+.

URBAN NDN Film Night is a celebration of persistence and self-determination through film by artists living in Southern Alberta, and includes works by Sui-Taa-Kii (Danielle Black), Dan Cardinal McCartney, Jessie Short, and Kes Lefthand and Jarret Twoyoungmen, both members of the Stoney Nakoda Audio Visual Club. The term “URBAN NDN” has been used in numerous settings over the past decade, and within the context of this screening, reflects on the experiences of Indigenous individuals living in urban spaces. 
While this selection of films highlights the work of artists living within the Southern Alberta region, Indigenous cultures around the world have a strong history of oral storytelling to share knowledge, space and to build community. Together these films reflect an unflinching autonomy to direct our own narratives; our stories are vast, our people are versatile, and our diverse cultures continue to be unwavering. Please join us after the screening for a question and answer period with filmmakers Amanda Foote, Kes Lefthand and Jarret Twoyoungmen.

Following the film screenings, there will be a question and answer period from the filmmakers.