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Opening Reception: Living Dead

An 80's digital graphic with large pixels showing a bison among a series of patterns.

Jane Veeder, still from 'Montana,' 1983, 3 min. colour video with sound. 'Montana' is one of the earliest examples of video art that experimented with computer graphics. The work digitally translates artist Jane Veeder's move from living in the mountain west, as well as marking the transition of her work into the digital realm - hence, "good luck electronically visualizing your futures!"

Please join us for the opening reception of the exhibition, Living Dead.

Living Dead is a constellation of video works that connects Minerals to Media and Ants to the Analog. Exploring the link between geology and the artistic medium of video, the exhibition calls into question our normative ideas about obsolescence in technology. A selection of videos from the Walter Phillips Gallery permanent collection will be on display, the majority of which have not been shown for over thirty years. Living Dead reconsiders our anxiety around the death or failure of technology through an exhibition space where deceleration, glitches, and error are sanctioned.