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Visual Arts Open Lecture: Ryan Doherty

An artist manipulates multi-coloured fabric draped from a wall.

Artist Alma Visscher's studio.

The Visual Arts Lecture Series presents talks by leading Canadian and international artists, curators and academics. Join Ryan Doherty, guest faculty for the Banff Artist in Residence Late Fall program, for this talk.

Ryan Doherty is a writer and curator based in Lethbridge, Alberta. He received his MA from the Centre for Curatorial Studies at Bard College in New York (2007) and his undergraduate degree at the University of Lethbridge in 1997.  He has curated exhibitions for the University of Lethbridge Art Gallery collections, and worked at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery as both Director and Curator until mid-2018. His curatorial practice has explored the construction of meaning in the information age, social practice & community engagement, and notions of maintenance, adaptability and institutional reflection.