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Act III: "We'll find your grave, Marcel" from Fantasma

Composed by: Ian Cusson
Libretto by: Colleen Murphy

Chelsea Pringle-Duchemin (Lea)
Brittany Rae (Ivy)
Sean Haid (Marcel)

Fantasma takes place at a run-down carnival desperate to create new buzz and excitement. The troupe
drum up the idea of a social media hashtag featuring a "ghost" who haunts the carnival. Two teens Lea
and Ivy attend the carnival with their mother and happen upon a very real ghost of a young boy who was
assaulted and killed years ago at a nearby school. They promise to honour his memory and help him find
his final resting place. 

In this scene, Lea and Ivy show Marcel that there is hope in finding out where his grave is, promising to
locate it and come back for him when they do.