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Aba Wath Tech. Oki. Gwanistłi Naniya. Bienvenue. Welcome.

Canada’s Home for Arts Training and Creation

As Canada’s leading post-graduate arts institution, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity offers intensive training and career development programs for artists and leaders.

Banff Centre is located on Treaty 7 Territory. We acknowledge the past, present, and future generations of Stoney Nakoda, Blackfoot, and Tsuut’ina Nations who help us steward this sacred and protected land, as well as honour and celebrate this place. This is one of the reasons why you see the welcome on the top of this page and throughout campus in English, French, and the languages of the Indigenous Nations who have shared this land for generations.

Please enjoy your time at Banff Centre and take a moment to enjoy the beauty of Banff National Park and the exceptional artistic activities that take place on our campus. Whether it be a visit to our contemporary art gallery Walter Phillips Gallery or an evening performance, talk, or concert, you’ll be guaranteed to leave inspired and creatively refreshed.

Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity is supported by funding from the Government of Alberta through Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education, Alberta Infrastructure, and the Alberta Foundation for the Arts. Arts programs are supported by funding from the Government of Canada through the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Department of Canadian Heritage through the Canada Arts Training Fund. The experience at Banff Centre is also enriched through generous support from individuals, corporations, and foundations.

Banff National Park

In 1883, as the transcontinental railway reached the Canadian Rocky Mountains, railway workers stumbled upon hot springs first discovered by Indigenous peoples. This led to the area being declared Canada’s first national park in 1885.

Spanning 6,641 square kilometres (2,564 square miles) of valleys, mountains, glaciers, forests, meadows, and rivers, Banff National Park is one of the world’s most spectacular destinations. On its 100th anniversary, Banff was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site by the United Nations.

Banff is 1,397 metres (4,540 feet) above sea level. If you are not used to the elevation, or if you have a respiratory condition, you may experience fatigue, shortness of breath, and/or dizziness. It may take a few days to acclimatize.

Wildlife: Facts & Tips

Banff National Park is home to 53 species of mammals including deer, elk, black and grizzly bears, coyotes, wolves, and cougars. All of these animals are wild, and should not be approached or fed.

Each year, a number of visitors and locals are injured by elk. In early fall, September through October, elk mating season is underway. Male elk are aggressive at this time of year and may charge without warning. In spring/summer, May through July, elk calving season is underway. Female elk aggressively protect their young and may charge. Always stay at least 50 metres (35 yards) away from elk.

Signs of elk aggression:

  • Head held high
  • Teeth exposed
  • Looking directly at you with whites of eyes showing
  • Ears back
  • Some aggressive elk have been ear-tagged or marked with a paint ball on the hip or shoulder. 
  • Aggressive elk may charge. If charged, get behind a tree or any large object.

Bear attacks are uncommon. Both black bears and grizzly bears are seen in and around Banff. Wild animals generally prefer to avoid people and bears are no exception. Here are some basics on how to avoid an encounter:

  • Use officially marked paths and trails, and travel during daylight hours. Travel in groups if possible and never let children wander. 
  • Keep your dog on a leash at all times. Dogs can provoke defensive behaviour in bears.
  • Make noise! Let bears know you’re there. Call out, clap hands, sing or talk loudly, especially near streams, dense vegetation, and berry patches, on windy days, and in areas of low visibility.
  • Watch for fresh bear signs. Tracks, droppings, diggings, torn-up logs, and turned-over rocks are all signs that a bear has been in the area. Leave the area if the signs are fresh. If you come across large dead animals, leave the area immediately and report it to Park Wardens.

Information courtesy of Parks Canada. For more information about wildlife, visit the Parks Canada website, For general information from the Banff Park Warden Service, call 403.762.1470.

About the Leighton Artist Studios

Located in a beautiful, secluded, wooded area on Banff Centre campus, the Leighton Artist Studios inspire and accommodate creative practice.

With serene forest views and thoughtfully designed interiors, the Studios offer an environment that is intense and stimulating; a location free of daily pressure and distraction; an ideal space for creativity and intense productivity.

The Leighton Artist Studios offer artists the ability to delve into their work as a solitary retreat, as well as the option to engage within Banff Centre's larger artistic community. The Leighton Artist Studios are home to nine distinct studios, appealing to a variety of disciplines: writing, composing, singer-songwriting, visual arts, screenwriting, playwriting, literary translating, curating, art theory, and conceptualization of a project.

The eight original studios were each named for the distinguished Canadian architects who designed them, including: Douglas Cardinal, Ian Davidson, Michael Evamy, Peter Hemingway, Richard Henriquez, Guy Gerin-Lajoie, Ron Thom, and Fred Valentine. In 2009, the addition of the Painter House expanded the capacity of the studios to offer a place for a group of artists to engage in a retreat for collaborative work.

Writers may prefer the Hemingway, Henriquez, or Evamy studios. Composers may prefer the Valentine, Davidson, or Cardinal studios. Visual Artists may prefer the Thom or Gerin-Lajoie studios. Collaborative groups are best suited for residencies in the Painter House.

Some famous alumni of the Studios include: Daniel MacIvor, John Adams, Ken Lum, Jonathan Dove, Yann Martel, k.d. Lang, Lawrence Hill, and Joni Mitchell.

History of the Studios

The Leighton Artist Studios is named in honour of David and Peggy Leighton. David Leighton was president of Banff Centre from 1970 to 1982.

During his presidency, the Centre became a year-round, fully independent post-secondary institution and conference centre, attracting artists and business leaders from around the world. Peggy Leighton worked closely with her husband to create the personal, friendly atmosphere and a Community Services department in which staff, faculty, and participants could be inspired and be supported.

In August 1985, Banff Centre's Leighton Artist Studios was formally opened by His Royal Highness Prince Philip. The nine studios quickly became the place for established Canadian and International artists to create new work.

More than 1,000 artists have used the studios to create novels, poetry, plays, songs, chamber works, and operas. They have choreographed dance and musical theatre, curated exhibitions and shows, and have created important visual art, films, interactive media, and television programming. Leighton artists contribute significantly to culture and the arts in Alberta, throughout Canada, and around the world.

Studio Information

Studio Contacts

For any assistance with your studio, please contact Kate King Wale, Program Delivery Specialist, at For any out-of-hours or urgent maintenance, please contact the front desk, by calling 0 from the phone in your studio. For emergencies, or if help is required going to or heading back from the studio, call Security via the front desk.

Studio Policies

We ask that treat your neighbours, as well as our facilities and equipment, with kindness and respect. We’re delighted to have you in residence and hope that you’ll feel at home in your studio.

Smudging at Banff Centre occurs across campus, with the exception of the Kinnear Centre for Creativity and Innovation. Should you wish to smudge in your guest room, please advise the front desk who will place signage on your floor. If you choose to smudge in your studio or meeting room, please contact your Program Coordinator who can assist you with signage. This is necessary to reduce incidents of false smoke and fire reports in campus buildings.

Smudge kits are available at Participant Resources.

Studio Standards

  • Before your residency is complete, your assigned studio must be returned to its original condition. This responsibility is shared by all artists occupying a studio.
  • Destruction of studio furniture is forbidden.
  • Permanent marker is forbidden for use on studio walls, furniture, etc.
  • Drawing/painting directly on studio walls is forbidden unless first approved prior to commencing work.
  • Each studio has a humidifier, please leave in the studio and do not take to your bedroom.
  • We have provided flashlights and winter weather footwear aids in each studio, please if you remove them please return them before you leave.
  • Spills can be cleaned with paper towels; or for major spills, please contact Kate King Wale, Program Delivery Specialist, at to organize a visit from the custodial team.

Kitchen Policies & Recycling

  • Artists are responsible for cleaning and putting away the dishes they use.  Dish soap and towels are provided. Please clean-up after using the kitchen area.
  • Please wipe out the microwave when food spills.
  • Keep food in properly sealed and labeled containers and stored in a refrigerator. Artists are discouraged from eating in their studios as it may attract rodents.
  • Dispose of food in the garbage bins
  • Please remove all food from the refrigerator before you vacate the studio at the end of your residency.
  • If you bring any Banff Centre dining room dishes, equipment or supplies into the studio, please return them at the end of your residency, in order to maintain a clutter free studio space for all participants.

The custodial team will clean the studio upon request. Please contact the Program Coordinator to arrange cleaning.

Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a clean, healthy, and enjoyable studio environment.

Your Leighton Studio Piano

Piano Maintenance

  • In order to support you in realizing your artistic goals, we endeavour to keep our pianos in the best shape possible.  However, we can’t always get around to the pianos as frequently as we would like to, so if something should go wrong with your studio piano please let us know right away and we will take care of it as quickly as possible.  If your piano needs tuning, regulating, or voicing, please contact us, either directly or through your Program Coordinator, and we will schedule a service appointment.

Temperature and Humidity

  • Two important principles apply here: 1) generally speaking, if you are comfortable your piano will be comfortable; and 2) when the piano’s environment changes the piano changes.  Please set the thermostat in your studio so you are comfortable.  There will be some temperature fluctuation as the heaters cycle on and off, but once you find the temperature setting that works for you, do not make large or frequent changes to it.  And please do NOT leave any windows open overnight.  Your studio piano may have a humidity control system under or inside the piano; please do NOT move or unplug it.  This humidity control system helps provide your piano with a stable environment, which helps the piano stay in tune and in regulation.


  • Please do not place or leave any vessel containing liquid on any part of any piano.  All it takes is one accidental move, and we could have many thousands of dollars’ worth of repairs to do.  It can happen to even the most careful individuals.

Moving Pianos

  • One word: DON’T – for insurance and other reasons.  If the current arrangement of your studio is not working for you, please contact us.  We will work with you to find a suitable arrangement, and will do the moving for you.

Extended Techniques

  • If you plan to use any extended techniques, including the placement of objects in the piano, the plucking, strumming, or striking of the strings (or any other piano part), or the marking of strings, dampers, or agraffes with any object or substance, please contact us first to let us know what you’re planning to do.  Most extended techniques are harmless and will be no problem, but we need to know what you’re doing so that if there is any chance of damage to the piano, we can work together to find alternative methods of achieving what you’re trying to achieve.

Performing and Recording in Your Studio

  • While you are more than welcome to invite people to come and enjoy an intimate performance in your studio, and to record anything you want to record in your studio (including the piano), please be aware that your studio was not designed to be a performance venue or a recording studio, and that your piano is not a performance or recording piano.  It is provided primarily for your use as a tool in the creative process and as a practice instrument.  We don’t want to give you any unrealistic expectations.  If you do want to stage a performance or do some recording, and you would like the piano tuned, please give us lots of notice.

How to Reach Us

  • By e-mail: Kate King Wale, Program Delivery Specialist,
  • By phone: extension 6249 if calling from a Banff Centre phone; 403-762-6249 if calling from an external phone. 
  • Normal working hours are Monday to Friday, 9-ish to 5-ish.



Campus Map

Maps of the Banff Centre site, the town of Banff, as well as maps of hiking trails and other attractions, are available at the Front Desk and in the brochure racks in the lobby of the Professional Development Centre and Lloyd Hall.

An ATM (for withdrawals only) is located in the Professional Development Centre lobby. There is another ATM on the ground floor of the Kinnear Centre, adjacent to the Maclab Bistro entrance. There are several banks and currency exchange facilities in the town of Banff.

Box Office

The Box Office is currently closed for In-Person ticket sales. Please purchase your tickets for all events online or by phone. 

On ticketed performance days, the Box Office will remain open until performance time. If there is a ticketed performance on a Sunday, Monday, or a holiday, the Box Office will open at least two hours prior to the event.

Tickets for Banff Centre events can be purchased:

  • Online:
  • By phone: 403.762.6301 (1.800.413.8368 toll-free)
  • Email: A representative will contact you regarding payment. Email orders must be received at least 24 hours prior to the event.

Business Centre

Business Centre: 6148
Professional Development CentreServices are available 24 hours.


Incoming and outgoing fax service is available at the Front Desk. Please enquire about pricing. Incoming faxes are delivered directly to your guest room and are charged to your guest account.


Check-out time is 11 a.m. To facilitate the accommodation of incoming guests, we appreciate your cooperation in vacating your room by this time. Luggage storage is available through the Bell Desk. Call 6148 to arrange.


A variety of courier services are available through the office on-site: 6310 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Closed weekends and statutory holidays. Call 6310 for information about rates and pick-up times. Office business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Closed weekends and statutory holidays.

Environmental Stewardship

Please help us live responsibly in our mountain environment by recycling glass, aluminum, and paper in the blue recycling bins in your room, and elsewhere on the property. In guest rooms, if you need fresh towels, please place used towels in the bathtub. If you will continue to use your towels, hang them on the racks. Banff Centre’s “no idling policy” states that no vehicles or motorized equipment will be stationary with the engine operating for more than two minutes. The goal is to help reduce fuel consumption and lower the production of greenhouse gases.

Front Desk

Front Desk: 6148
Professional Development Centre
Available 24 hours a day


Housekeeping services: 6275
8:15 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily
For after-hours assistance, call zero (0).


If you lose your room key, please ask for a replacement at the Front Desk.

Lost and Found

Housekeeping: 6275
Please check your room carefully before departure.

Mail and Messages

Contact the Front Desk to have your incoming mail or messages delivered. Outgoing mail can be dropped off at the Front Desk. Domestic and international postage stamps are sold at the Front Desk.


To help us make everything perfect during your stay, we’d like to know (as early as possible) of any repairs that are necessary to your accommodations. Please advise the Front Desk of any repairs required.


Complimentary parking is available for all registered guests. Guests are required to register
their vehicle with Front Desk. Park only in designated, long-term parking areas around campus. Parking in front of the Sally Borden Fitness and Recreation Centre is a two-hour only zone, which is enforced by the Town of Banff bylaw department. If you are having problems finding parking, please see the Bell Desk or Front Desk for assistance. Banff Centre is not responsible for any tickets incurred by guests parking in “no parking” or “two-hour parking” areas. Banff Centre is not responsible for items left in vehicles on the property.


Banff Centre does not allow pets in the buildings.


Office of the Registrar: 6180
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Closed on weekends, and statutory holidays.


8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday (except statutory holidays): 6308
After hours: 6148

Safety Deposit Boxes

For storage of personal valuables, complimentary safety deposit boxes are available for guests at the Front Desk in the Professional Development Centre. Banff Centre is not responsible for money, jewelry, or other valuables left unattended in guest rooms.


For the health, safety, and comfort of our guests, Banff Centre has designated all bedrooms, balconies, public areas, classrooms, performance spaces, and service areas as non-smoking. Smoking is permitted only in Banff Centre’s designated outdoor smoking areas; please contact the Front Desk for locations. Smudging and sweetgrass ceremonies associated with Banff Centre programs are exempt from the non-smoking policy.

Switchboard and Telephone

Main telephone number for Banff Centre: 403.762.6100 or zero (0)
Main fax number: 403.762.6444
The switchboard is open 24 hours a day.

Tour and Activity Packages

For questions regarding tours and activities, contact Front Desk at 6148.


To view a listing of upcoming Banff Centre performances, concerts, and other events, please tune into Banff Centre channels 100.1 and 102.1. If you require assistance locating a channel, call the Front Desk.

Wake-Up Calls

If you would like a wake-up call in the morning, contact our switchboard at 403.762.6100 the night before with your room number and the time you wish to be awakened.


Mountain weather is unpredictable and can change rapidly. Call 403.762.2088 or visit for today’s conditions, as well as short-term and long-term forecasts. To view conditions atop Sulphur Mountain in Banff, visit

Dining Options

Maclab Bistro

Banff Centre’s campus comes to life at Maclab Bistro. With a lively crowd, full-service bar, and eclectic menu, Maclab Bistro is the perfect place to grab a meal with friends or cozy up on the fireside patio. Enjoy stunning panoramic views and healthy, creative comfort food inspired by fresh, local ingredients. Located in the Kinnear Centre.

11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily


Vistas Dining Room

Our 370-seat dining room offers buffet dining, reinvented. The diverse menu is inspired by fresh local ingredients. Enjoy the view of the Bourgeau Mountain Range, and choose from a selection of hot entrées, a well-stocked fresh salad bar, delicious house-made desserts, plus vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. Located atop the Sally Borden Fitness & Recreation Centre.

Breakfast: 7 to 9:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Dinner: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.




Calgary International Airport

Airport Shuttle

Banff Airporter is the official airport shuttle provider for Banff Centre, providing door-to-door transportation to the Calgary International Airport.

Brewster Airporter is a supporter of Banff Centre and provides shuttle service to and from the Calgary International Airport.
403.762.6767 or 1.877.266.7292

Bus Lines

Banff Transportation Group: 403.762.8400
Brewster Express: 403.762.6700

Rental Cars

Avis: 403.762.3222
Enterprise: 403.762.2688
Hertz: 403.762.2027


Taxi Taxi: 403.762.0000

What to do at Banff Centre

What’s On

Event brochures are available in the lobby of the Professional Development Centre, Lloyd Hall, Eric Harvie Theatre, and Margaret Greenham Theatre. For the most up-to-date information, visit

Walter Phillips Gallery

The Walter Phillips Gallery is exclusively committed to the production, presentation, collection, and interpretation of contemporary art, and is dedicated to developing a thoughtful and stimulating forum for visual art and curatorial practice. The gallery develops exhibitions, commissions new works, and engages in dialogues about curatorial practice through symposia and workshops.
12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday to Sunday
Closed in between exhibitions for installation purposes and on public holidays.

Telephone Services

Room to Room Calls

Professional Development Centre: 78 + room number
Lloyd Hall: 72 + room number
Corbett Hall: 75 + room number
Farally Hall: 750 + room number

Local Calls

There is no charge for Banff, Lake Louise, and Canmore.
Call 8 + area code + local number

Directory Assistance

Call the following for directory assistance:
Local numbers: 8 + 411
Canada/USA: 8 + 1 + area code + 555.1212
International: 8 + 0

Voice Mail Messaging

All Banff Centre telephones are equipped with voice mail messaging. If your message light is on, this indicates there is a message waiting for you.

To pick up messages:

In your room, lift up the receiver, press the message button. If you have any problems with the message button, call 6644 and you will also be connected to your messages.

Outside your room, call 6644 using any house phone and wait for the recording. Press star (*). To pause a message press 8 during a message. Press 8 again to continue.
From outside Banff Centre, you can call locally at 403.762.6644 and press star (*).

To retrieve your messages once connected:

Enter your room number including building code and press pound (#) Enter your password (see below) and press pound (#)

Your password will be the first four letters of your last name (must be the last name that was registered at check-in). For example:

Jane O’Neil: ONEI would be 6634 Sam Ho: HO would be 46

If you are having any difficulties using your voice mail or telephone, please contact our switchboard at zero (0) for assistance.

Computer Services

Photocopies and Printing

Basic photocopying and printing are available at the Front Desk. Please inquire about pricing.
For larger orders or specialty print jobs, we can assist you with ordering through our on-site office.

Wireless Internet Access

Complimentary wireless access is available in guest rooms and meeting spaces at Banff Centre. The name of the Banff Centre guest Wi-Fi is “BanffCentre”.

If you are experiencing a problem accessing the Banff Centre public wireless network, try the following to remedy connectivity problems. If after troubleshooting you are still unable to connect please contact Guest Services for assistance.

Windows Laptop

To connect to the Banff Centre public wireless Internet connection click on the wireless network connection icon typically found on the right-hand side of the taskbar. Windows will search for any nearby Wi-Fi networks. Click on “BanffCentre” and choose to connect.


  1. Make sure wireless is turned on via the switch on the laptop or the “Fn” button and wireless key (usually a function key e.g. F5). If wireless was turned off try connecting again, otherwise continue to step 2.

  2. Right-click on the Wi-Fi icon on the taskbar and click on “Troubleshoot Problems”, follow any suggested steps, and then check the Wi-Fi connection to see if you are now connected.

Apple Laptop

To connect to the Banff Centre public wireless Internet connection, click the AirPort icon in your menu bar, and you should be presented with a list of visible wireless networks. Select the “BanffCentre” network and it will automatically connect. When you’re connected, the AirPort icon will change from a ‘light grey’ color to a solid black. The number of solid black lines indicates the signal strength.


  1. Launch Network Diagnostics. To do this, choose Apple menu > System Preferences and click Network. Click Assist me, and then click Diagnostics.

  2. The Network Diagnostics utility will guide you through a series of questions and tests, ranging from checking your Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection to network configuration and DNS servers. Sometimes the utility can repair problems itself; when it can’t, it usually provides more detailed information about the nature of the problem and offers suggestions for solving it.

Mobile Device

To connect to the Banff Centre public wireless on your mobile device make sure “Wi-Fi” is turned on in settings, then choose the “BanffCentre” wireless network.


  1. Navigate to Wi-Fi settings toggle Wi-Fi off and back on again, then attempt to connect.

  2. If you still cannot connect, power the device off and on again.