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Picture of His Life

Image from the film Picture of His Life

Image from the film Picture of His Life

Picture of His Life

(At the request of the filmmaker, this film is available only in Canada)
74 minutes, USA – Adventure & Exploration
Oct 31 - Nov 8 – $12 CAD


He has swum with crocodiles and killer whales, with anacondas and with great white sharks. But one major predator has eluded Amos Nachoum. The legendary underwater photographer always dreamed of swimming with a polar bear and capturing it face-to-face on film. He’s tried before and barely escaped with his life, but now, as he nears the end of his career, he is determined to give it one last shot. The danger is real, perhaps more real than ever before, but this is his last chance to get The Picture of His Life.


Program subject to change

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Picture of His Life

Picture of His Life


He has swum with crocodiles and killer whales, with anacondas and with great white sharks. But one major predator has eluded Amos Nachoum. The legendary underwater photographer always dreamed of swimming with a polar bear and capturing it face-to-face on film. He’s tried before and barely escaped with his life, but now, as he nears the end of his career, he is determined to give it one last shot. The danger is real, perhaps more real than ever before, but this is his last chance to get The Picture of His Life.

United States
Dani Menkin, Yonatan Nir