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Chamber Music and Opera: Interplay

House Program for the Chamber Music and Opera: Interplay events
Woman in orange dress standing in contrast to group of people in blues and greys

Kopernikus, 2017 (Claude Vivier) (L-R: Jessica Pollack, Dominica Greene, Danika Lorèn, Carly Gordon, Brad Cherwin, Katie Miller, Danielle MacMillan). Photo by Don Lee.

Artistic Credits

Banff Centre Staff

Megumi Masaki Director of Music
Amiel Gladstone Director of Theatre Arts
Joel Ivany Artistic Director, Opera
Ivy Pan Program Manager, Music
Anja Vreeker Program Manager
Jason Hamilton Program Delivery Specialist
Jess Brenders Program Delivery Specialist
Andrew Smith Production Manager
Greg Monforton Technical Director
Georgia Jeffery Assistant Technical Director
Henry Ng Audio and Music Technician
Juan Anez Omni Technician
Chris Bernhardt Music Omni Technician
Bert Picknell Head Piano Technician
Samantha Hindle Assistant Head of Sound
Lyle Fish Head Sound Technician
Matt Flawn Head of Electrics
Darrell Shaw Assistant Head of Lighting
Pui Leung Lighting Technician
Sharon Fish Assistant Head Stage Carpenter
Lorelee Godden Stage Carpenter
Jacob Sunderland Stage Carpenter
Carey Lees Wardrobe Facilitator
Elena Vandakurova Wardrobe Facilitator
Carolyn Choo Head of Props
Michael Amstadt Sound Technician
Shahid Chew Sound Technician
Brendan Briceland Head of Projection
Lev Nesterov Audience Services Coordinator
Christina Bell Company Manager - Opera
Joanna Dundas Artistic Producer - Chamber
Lesley Abarquez Bradley Stage Manager - Opera
Donna Sharpe Stage Manager - Chamber
Kcenia Koutorjevski Production Assistant - Opera
Jessie Dumais Production Coordinator - Music
Marissa Gell Production Coordinator
Ben Ewing Senior Recording Engineer
Jeff Kynoch Audio Engineer

Practicum Program

Erin Hayes Wardrobe
Kelsey McCammon Wardrobe
Kirsty Mitchell Wardrobe
Janessa Barron Wardrobe
Patsy Thomas Head Wardrobe
Cathy Sisson Piano
Wesley Ballard Piano
Michael Borsellino Audio
Xingmei Zhou Audio
Maëlle Milet Audio
Michael Gorlin Audio
Theresa Leonard Audio Producer

About the Program

This house program highlights the faculty and participants in the Chamber Music and Opera: Interplay program and events. To discover specific repertoire and show notes, please see below for each performance.

Chamber Music Concert: Landmarks - June 8th 

Chamber Music Concert: Kaleidoscope - June 12th 

Opera: The Handmaid's Tale - June 15th

Chamber Music Concert: Poetry - June 19th

Chamber Music Concert: Tapestry - June 22nd 

Chamber Music Concert: Epic - June 26th

Opera: Indians on Vacation - June 29th

All concerts will start at 7:30 p.m.

Please turn off all cellphones, photo/video cameras.


Banff Centre is grateful to the following supporters for making this program possible: David Spencer Emerging Vocalists Endowment, the Yolande Freeze Master Artists in Music Fund, the Music in PyeongChang and Banff Centre Partnership as well the Government of Alberta, the Government of Canada, and the Canada Council for the Arts. 
