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Wigs and Makeup Can Really Complete a Character

Posted on June 10, 2015
Andrea Stienwand gets some pincurls put in

Signs of summer are cropping up all over the Theatre Arts department: ground squirrels are roaming free, the elk are grazing on dandelions outside our windows, and all of the production shops are open! 

For the majority of the year our builder shops lie dormant, but come summer the wardrobe, scenic construction, props, scenic paint, and wigs and makeup shops all burst with life and buzz with activity.

To mark the beginning of the season, wigs and makeup crew invited all staff, practicums, and faculty to join them for a morning of "show and tell." Head of wigs and makeup, Carol Chambers, spoke to a group of 10 interested people whose backgrounds varied from prop builders to administrative staff. She touched on the many facets of wigs and makeup work, ranging from the role hair and makeup play in creating a character, the various materials used for wig creation, and how to work with a designer to create the over all look for a show. 

And, of course, there was a little bit of dress-up...