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Meet Our Team: Jodi Burke, Director of Sales and Conference Services

By Amberle Bocsy Posted on September 14, 2015
Jodi Burke, Director of Sales and Conference Services, The Banff Centre

Jodi's chosen mode of transportation to attend meetings in Copenhagen. 

Self-Professed Crazy Cat-Lady and Lover-of-Travel

Stay Connected: via LinkedIn

Q: How do you define being successful?

A: Personal fulfillment!

Q: What quote is your go-to motivator?

A: "You want some respect, go out there and get it for yourself." - Don Draper.  

Q: Fill in the blanks:

Always, always, always... Drink Kir Royale as a pre-dinner aperitif when in Paris.

Never, never, never... Tread on sticks when bush-walking in Australia.

Q: How did you get into this business?

A: My first hospitality job was working for McDonalds then Pizza Hut after school as a teenager.  I experienced my first hotel job as a front desk agent in Banff while on a working holiday from Australia.  The rest is history!

Q: Rule of thumb for:

Meetings: Set objectives before the meting and begin with a purpose.

Travel: Always take Lysol spray.  Use it liberally on your airplane seat and hotel room.

Q: What is your number one suggestion to do, eat or see while at Banff Centre?

A: Have a Corona on the Maclab patio in the early evening sun.  As the sun sets over the mountains the fireplace will keep you warm.

Stay tuned for next week's featured Conferences team member!