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Annual award honours achievements of Indigenous women in community leadership

Posted on October 08, 2015
Indigenous Woman Participant - Lougheed Leadership

If you are an Indigenous woman who has participated in one or more of our Indigenous Leadership and Management programs, we invite you to apply for this annual scholarship.

Generous donors will provide an Indigenous alumna with funds to attend one Indigenous Leadership and Management program at Banff Centre during the October 2015 to May 2016 program cycle. The award will fully cover tuition, room, and board for an Indigenous Leadership and Management program of your choice. Some assistance with travel may also be available to the award recipient (to be confirmed when applicant has been selected).

Please submit a short paper (no longer than 3 pages) outlining how you have made a difference in your community or organization with the new skills and tools you learned in a previous Indigenous Leadership and Management program at Banff Centre. The paper should highlight how you either changed community practices or implemented new practices. Applicants are encouraged to be creative with their application and include any supporting materials which will help show the impact of their program experience.

The application deadline for the award is October 30, 2015.

Please submit your application in accordance with the above criteria, together with any supporting materials, by post or email, to be received no later than October 30, 2015, and marked Award to Honour Indigenous Woman's Achievement in Community Leadership, to the attention of Alexia McKinnon, Personal Learning Advisor.

For more information, please contact us by email or call 1.888.255.6327.

With what I've learned here and the understanding that I have, I've started to change the way our leaders think in our community. As opposed to only talking about the past, now I say to them
‘what can we do to move forward?’


Darlene Letandre - 2012 scholarship winner