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Myriam Dion Wins Banff Centre's Post-Residency Award

Posted on September 22, 2016

Myriam Dion, winner of the Post-Residency Award presented by Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity 

Congratulations to Myriam Dion, winner of the Post-Residency Award!

Myriam Dion is a Montreal-based artist who took part in a Visual and Digital Arts self-directed residency earlier this year. Dion has an upcoming solo exhibition at Arprim, centre d'essai en art imprimé, Montreal. 

Dion’s intricate newspaper cutouts explore the intersection between folk traditions and contemporary media, in a period of history wherein printed news faces extinction. Crafting thoughtful mosaics out of world events, she questions our appetite for sound-bite news and sensational art, showing us the quiet power of a patient hand and an inquisitive eye. 

Myriam Dion is a Canadian artist represented by Division gallery. Dion completed an MA in visual arts and media at the Université du Québec à Montréal. Her work has been acquired by the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, the Claridge Collection, the Loto-Québec Collection, Crique du Soleil, TD Bank Group and the Department of Foreign Affairs. She was recipient of the Bursary of the Art Faculty Graduates Council, the Jean-Marc Eustache Bursary for the study and practice of the arts, the Bursary Rollande-Guertin-Buissière award in visual and media arts and the Grant of excellence of the superior cycles of UQAM. 

The Post-Residency Award presented by Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity is an opportunity for artists who have completed a residency in Visual + Digital Arts. The purpose of the award is to provide financial assistance to alumni for an upcoming public presentation of their work developed during their Banff Centre residency. Artists can use the $500 award for any aspect of the project that requires financial assistance, such as: travel, shipping, publications, vinyl, fabrication, artist/collaborator fees, etc. 

The next deadlines for the Post-Residency Award is March 1, 2017 find out more here

Myriam Dion, "La Presse, Jeudi 31 décembre, Fin de l'objet papier" (2016). Cut out newspapers, white paper and collage, 45x 45 inches. Courtesy the artist

Myriam Dion, "Dentelles de journaux" (2016). Courtesy the artist

Myriam Dion, "La Presse, Samedi 12 septembre, Navires de marchandises" (2016). Cut out newspapers with an X-Acto knife and collage, 87 x 61 cm. Courtesy the artist