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The Best of the Festival: Home

Image from the film Home

Image from the film Home

Join us the last Thursday of every month for screenings of award-winning films from the 2019 Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festival. 

7 p.m. and 10:15 p.m.
February 27: 
Featuring Home, 2019 Best Mountain Feature

See full description below. 
On sale at the Lux Cinema Banff box office or online at

Upcoming award-winning films: 
March 26 – Into the Canyon, Best Film Exploration and Adventure 
April 30 – Artifishal, Best Film Mountain Environment and Natural History



Related Films

Image from the film Home



Between 2011 and 2015 UK adventurer Sarah Outen traversed the globe by bike, kayak and rowing boat, travelling over 32,000 kilometres by human power alone. The solo trip took its toll, and a violent storm on the Pacific takes Sarah to the physical and mental brink.

Jen Randall
Sarah Outen, Jen Randall
Light Shed Pictures

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