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National Indigenous Peoples Day: Medicine Walk

Learn, see, and experience this landscape while celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day.

Join esteemed traditional Métis guide Brenda Holder to experience a Medicine Walk through Banff Centre's home on Sacred Guardian Buffalo Mountain.

This is a physical walk that will explore some uneven terrain, please wear suitable attire, bring a backpack, and prepare to be outside.

Meeting location: Max Bell Building Lobby
All ages welcome.

Two times to choose from: 
5 p.m. and 7 p.m.

About Brenda Holder: 
Brenda (Cree/Iroquois Métis) was born and raised in the Rockies in Jasper National Park and is pleased to follow her lineage as a traditional Métis guide from the Kwarakwante of Jasper. Learning through research and talking with elders, traditions, which are a part of her heritage, have become a pleasure for her to share with others. Brenda has spent the last 14 years in tourism and has served on Aboriginal Tourism Advisory Boards for the Minister of Tourism Parks and Recreation in 2008 as well as for Travel Alberta in 2006. In addition, Brenda has been engaged in Aboriginal Tourism since 1998 and was an active member of Niitsitappi (before being taken over by Travel Alberta).