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Gather Listen Hear: 'Evensong (Breathing as One)' with Pamela Hart and Lou Sheppard

'Dawn Chorus Evensong' by Lou Sheppard

Lou Sheppard, Dawn Chorus, Evensong (2019). Scores. Courtesy of the artist.

Evensong (Breathing as One) is a participatory chorus activating artist Lou Sheppard's score for dusk in the Bow Valley, part of his commissioned work, Dawn Chorus, Evensong (Bow River Valley) presented by Walter Phillips Gallery in the Shaw Amphitheatre from August 9 – September 2, 2024. Participants will meet at the Shaw Amphitheatre, listening to the sounds of the Bow Valley at dusk and be led in an improvised chorus by Pamela Hart and Lou Sheppard. This event is open to all interested in listening and sounding, no choral experience is required.