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Iceland, Steve Shannon

Skiing in Iceland is both an incredible experience and one of incredible frustration.  The rewards far outweigh the days spent waiting on the weather and suffering up long approaches.  These photographs were taken during a month of exploring the incredible island on skis.

Growing up in the West Kootenay, Steve Shannon developed an early love for the outdoors.  He began skiing at age two, and by high school was firmly addicted to exploring the mountains around home by a variety of means.  From those early childhood pastimes, his appetite for adventure has only grown.  His interests have led him around the globe: from racing his dirt bike in the International Six Days Enduro in Chile and Greece, to photographing races in Romania and Mexico.  Recent adventures have taken him rafting the Grand Canyon, skiing in Iceland and Norway, and mountain biking in the Nepalese Himalaya and Canary Islands.  Steve currently makes his home in Revelstoke, British Columbia, where he can usually be found outside on adventures, camera in hand.

You can learn more about Steve on his website.



Jury Comment

We'd like to acknowledge Steve Shannon's photo essay Iceland with a Special Jury Mention.  This essay had a strong storyline: painting a poignant portrait of an ahtlete in extraordinary conditions and surroundings.  Each image flowed into the next and was full of mood, atmosphere, mystery, direction, and adventure.  Steve Shannon managed to weave an entire plot and include a definite conclusion.  Very fine work.