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Hello! My name is Wade BigEagle. I am from White Bear First Nations in Saskatchewan, Canada. I was raised by my mother Joely BigEagle, she took me to many places to experience my culture while growing up. I have been to many pow-wows and ceremonies that made me appreciate who I am and understand where my people come from. While my mother was learning the ways of the Buffalo, I only helped out a bit at first, I was too focused on my own journey. It was only until years later I had realized that her and my father Lorne Kequahtooway needed help with their Buffalo workshops. It has now been over two years since I have started helping, I have had many good experiences and lessons learned. I am very excited to continue this path and share my knowledge with my community and to those who want to learn. I am very proud doing what I do and extremely grateful for my mother, it is only the beginning of the new journey I am on.